My Movie Trailers and Filmography

Trailers of the films I’ve made, and a filmography:

BENEATH THE BLUE  Directed by Michael Sellers (2010)

Beneath the Blue Trailer from Quantum Releasing on Vimeo.

EYE OF THE DOLPHIN Written and Directed by Michael D. Sellers (2007)

Eye of the Dolphin – Trailer from Quantum Releasing on Vimeo.

EYE OF THE DOLPHIN – Trailer from Susan Johnson braveart films on Vimeo.

KARLA Written and Produced by Michael D. Sellers (2006)

Karla – Trailer from Universal Media on Vimeo.

VLAD Written and Directed by Michael D. Sellers (2004)

Vlad – Trailer from Universal Media on Vimeo.

And here is the full list of my credits

GOODBYE AMERICA Written and Produced by Michael D. Sellers

Goodbye America Trailer from Quantum Releasing on Vimeo.




  1. Beneath the Blue (2010)
  2. Cryptid (2006)
  3. Eye of the Dolphin (2006)
  4. Vlad (2003)
  1. Beneath the Blue (2010) (post-production) (executive producer)
  2. Route 30 (2008) (executive producer)
  3. Lullaby (2008/I) (producer)
  4. Last of the Living (2008) (executive producer)
  5. Cryptid (2006) (producer)
  6. Eye of the Dolphin (2006) (executive producer)
  7. Karla (2006) (producer)
  8. Silence (2003/I) (co-producer)
  9. Threat of Exposure (2002) (executive producer)
  10. Quicksand (2002) (executive producer)
  11. Doomsdayer (2000) (producer)
  12. (1998/I) (producer)
  13. Goodbye America (1997) (producer)
  14. Fortunes of War (1994) (line producer)
  15. Rage (1993/I) (producer)
  16. Anak ng dagat (1992) (producer)
  17. Umiyak pati langit (1991) (producer)
  18. Class of ’91 (1991) (producer)
  1. Lullaby (2008/I) (screenplay)
  2. Cryptid (2006) (writer)
  3. Eye of the Dolphin (2006) (written by)
  4. Karla (2006) (writer)
  5. Vlad (2003) (written by)
  6. Goodbye America (1997) (screenplay)

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