It’s been 48 hours since we finally got word from one of our relatives. I posted about it on Facebook and have been to busy to do anything with it here — so I’m going to just embed the Facebook post so friends who are not on Facebook will get the news. Here’s the post. I’ve been using the comments to update the story – which starts with the first word coming in from our family telling us they are safe, and which ends (as of two hours ago) with our first load of food, medicine, and a solar cell-phone charger leaving Manila for delivery in Guinob-an tomorrow. We are very blessed to know that our family is okay — but are also very conscious that many others have received no word, and are worried and anxious to get news.


10 Responses to Our Family’s Situation in Guinob-an, Lawaan, Eastern Samar

  1. Hi Michael! My name is Karin Phillips. I heard my dad James Phillips survived the storm. Please contact me @ (604) 771-6927 ASAP. U see my dad’s British passport expired & before typhoon hit I was trying to help him get his passport renewed. He is still a resident of Canada & I’m trying to get him back here! U can also email me @ thank u for finding my dad:) god bless your soul!

  2. Mariah says:

    Hello Michael!

    Found your Facebook profile from your blog, which reported about Guinob-an, Lawaan, Eastern Samar.

    I need help. My friend’s father was living in the same town and she has not heard any news from him since the storm.

    Here’s more info about him we posted on Google person finder:

    Can you ask the people you know there for more information to find out if he is alive and well? Thanks and God bless!

    • Michael D. Sellers says:

      Hi Mariah … I sent you an email. If for any reason you don’t get it, pls post another comment here and we’ll go from there, but you should have an email from me. There were no fatalities in Guinob-an so if he was there, he should be okay.

    • Michael D. Sellers says:

      Mariah … more news about James. He is okay. His house was damaged, but since it’s one of the stronger houses in Guinob-an, it’s one of the ones that are still standing. Roof and other damage, but not destroyed. We asked Rommel to go speak to him today and let him know that we got a query from you, and have told you he’s okay. If he wants to send a more detailed message, Rommel will bring it out and we’ll relay it.

  3. manolo valdez says:

    Hi Michael!

    Thank God, I was able to talk with Susan a few minutes ago. Thank you!

  4. manolo valdez says:

    Hi Mr. Sellers!
    I am trying to get in touch with Susan Llevado who lives in Gunoban, Samar. Am hoping your wife, Lorena, knows her. I live here in Manila. Thanks!

    • Michael D. Sellers says:

      Hi Manolo. She just went to sleep a few minutes ago — she’s pretty much on Manila time now. When she wakes up I’ll show her this. I’m sure she knows her. All the Llevados are okay. Houses are mostly gone except for Loreto and Tarcila’s house, which survived with roof mostly gone. But no one got hurt and they are okay. We have a micro relief project sending rice down there and Rena has been posting updates there about the status.

      • manolo valdez says:

        Thank you Mr. Sellers! God bless!

        • Michael D. Sellers says:

          Hi Manolo — Rena confirms that Susan LLevado — wife of Ronnie (who is son of Loreto) — is fine. Like everyone else, their house is gone. But they are okay, and the home of Loreto and Tarcia is still standing so there is a sort of “family headquarters” there. By the way there are more details on the status of Guinob-an in the updates that Rena has been writing for her relief project for Guinob-an —

          • manolo valdez says:

            Thank you! I was requested to see them personally. I am hoping to establish communication with her, if cell sites are already available. I am hoping ,too, that somehow this message will be read by her.

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