Gareth Davies has an excellent piece in the Telegraph which is mostly an interview of Bob Arum in which you really get to hear Arum — a supersmart 80 year old attorney — speaking from the heart, not wearing his promoter hat. I really found this illuminating — he talks mostly about Manny Pacquiao’s larger life goals beyond boxing, and how he is invested in it in a way he was never invested in Ali.

Bob Arum: I’d like to live into my Nineties to see Manny Pacquiao become President

Bob Arum is eighty years young on December 8. There are a plethora of goals left for him. One of those is to be alive when the boxing great Manny Pacquiao runs for the presidency of The Philippines. “It’s Manny’s path and his goal but I would love to remain a part of it,” explained the promoter. “In 2022, when that day comes, and if he’s elected president, I’ll be 91 years old. I’d like to be there to see it…”

Read the rest at the Telegraph:


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