Freeport, Grand Bahama Premiere Photos
by Michael D. SellersJust got back from the Freeport, Bahamas Premiere for Eye of the Dolphin. It’s been a long 24 hours without sleep since leaving LA almost exactly 24 hours ago…. but worth it. Local Film Commission chief Donna Mackey put on a great show – they did a red carpet, the works — also lots of press and it should be coming out over the next few days. Lots of higher ups in gov’t — but also — all the people from Smith’s Point were there (the town we feature in the movie) and they hooted and cheered and were great….. from there it went all the way up to 2 Senators and the head of business development for the Bahamas. Lots of media – a red carpet. (said that already, sorry)…..and the reaction to the movie was astounding…..they literally gave it a standing O and Donna Mackey the film commissioner said wonderful things…I’m too tired now to blog more — 24 hours with no sleep and tomorrow (6 hours) we’re doing open water dolphin work the DVD extras…..The head of the UNEXSO dolphin program was there and she was thrilled and super supportive …. don’t mean to gush but too tired to do anything other than let fingers type without control…Got to sleep now. Here are pix. I’ll clean this up later. Carly doing interviewsCarly with Veronica Curucillo, left, head of dolphin operations at UNEXSO. Theother one is Megan, also a dolphin trainer, don’t know her last name. …(It’s a big local story that Veronica has taken over dolphin ops. She’s Bahamian, the first local to hold the job. Looks 15 but she’s 40. She’s a terrific supporter of what we’re doing — loved the film and kept saying “we’re going to rock next time” — meaning she’s going to give us more dolphins, more time. more stuff……….I will be interviewing her extensively tomorrow for the DVD.
The guy in tan is the head of business development for the Bahamas. I’ll get his name later.
Cornelius McKinney — our “man in the Bahamas” …great guy — terrific asset.
Donna Mackey, Film Commissioner for Grand Bahama Island
Year of the Spy Book Trailer
Above is the Year of the Spy Book Trailer — for my upcoming non-fiction book about espionage upheavals on the streets of Moscow in 1985.
Below is a “trailer” showcasing the writing and video services I provide to clients.
Michael Sellers — Writing and Video Services
My eBook — Just released Dec 5, 2012
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